Setting up the client and server


A client is simply a bevy plugin: ClientPlugin

You create it by providing a ClientConfig struct.

You can see how it is defined in the example here.

Shared Config

Some parts of the configuration must be shared between the server and the client to work correctly, so we define them in a separate function that can be re-used for both:

fn main() {
pub fn shared_config(mode: Mode) -> SharedConfig {
    SharedConfig {
        /// How often the client will send packets to the server (by default it is every frame).
        /// Currently, the client only works if it sends packets every frame, for proper input handling.
        client_send_interval: Duration::default(),
        /// How often the server will send packets to clients? You can reduce this to save bandwidth.
        server_send_interval: Duration::from_millis(40),
        /// The tick rate that will be used for the FixedUpdate schedule
        tick: TickConfig {
            tick_duration: Duration::from_secs_f64(1.0 / 64.0),
        /// Here we make the `Mode` an argument so that we can run `lightyear` either in `Separate` mode (distinct client and server apps)
        /// or in `HostServer` mode (the server also acts as a client).


The ClientConfig struct lets us configure the client. There are a lot of parameters that can be configured, but for this demo we will mostly use the defaults.

  let client_config = client::ClientConfig {
      shared: shared_config(Mode::Separate),
      net: net_config,
  let client_plugin = client::ClientPlugin::new(client_config);

The NetConfig doesn't have any Default value and needs to be provided; it defines how (i.e. what transport layer) the client will connect to the server. There are multiple options available, but for this demo we will use the Netcode option. netcode is a standard to establish a connection between two hosts, and we can use any io layer (UDP, WebSocket, WebTransport, etc.) to send the actual bytes.

You will need to provide the IoConfig which defines the transport layer (how the raw packets are sent), with the possibility of using a LinkConditionerConfig to simulate network conditions. Here are the different possible transport options: TransportConfig

/// You can add a link conditioner to simulate network conditions
let link_conditioner = LinkConditionerConfig {
    incoming_latency: Duration::from_millis(100),
    incoming_jitter: Duration::from_millis(0),
    incoming_loss: 0.00,
/// Here we use the `UdpSocket` transport layer, with the link conditioner
let io_config = IoConfig::from_transport(TransportConfig::UdpSocket(addr))

With the Netcode option, we use a ConnectToken to secure the connection. Normally, a third-party server would generate the ConnectToken and send it securely to the client.

For this demo, we will use the Manual option, which lets us manually build a ConnectToken on the client using a private key shared between the client and the server.

let server_addr = SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST.into(), server_port);
let auth = Authentication::Manual {
    // server's IP address
    // ID to uniquely identify the client
    client_id: client_id,
    // private key shared between the client and server
    private_key: KEY,
    // PROTOCOL_ID identifies the version of the protocol
    protocol_id: PROTOCOL_ID,

Now we can build the complete NetConfig:

let net_config = NetConfig::Netcode {
    io: io_config,


Building the server is very similar to building the client; we need to provide a ServerConfig struct.

let server_config = server::ServerConfig {
    shared: shared_config(Mode::Separate),
    net: net_configs,
let server_plugin = server::ServerPlugin::new(server_config);

The server can listen for client connections using multiple transports at the same time! You can do this by providing multiple NetConfig to the server.

The simple_box example generates the various NetConfigs by parsing the settings.ron file, but you can also just define them manually:

fn main() {
let server_addr = SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST.into(), self.port);
/// You need to provide the private key and protocol id when building the `NetcodeConfig`
let netcode_config = NetcodeConfig::default()
/// You can also add a link conditioner to simulate network conditions for packets received by the server
let link_conditioner = LinkConditionerConfig {
    incoming_latency: Duration::from_millis(100),
    incoming_jitter: Duration::from_millis(0),
    incoming_loss: 0.00,
let net_config = NetConfig::Netcode {
    config: netcode_config,
    io: IoConfig::from_transport(TransportConfig::UdpSocket(server_addr))
let config = ServerConfig {
    shared: shared_config().clone(),
    /// Here we only provide a single net config, but you can provide multiple!
    net: vec![net_config],
/// Finally build the server plugin
let server_plugin = server::ServerPlugin::new(server_config);

Next we will start adding systems to the client and server.