General architecture

Lightyear essentially provides 2 plugins that will handle every networking-related concern for you: a ClientPlugin and a ServerPlugin.

The plugins will define various resources and systems that will handle the connection to the server. Some of the notable resources are:

  • the TickManager: lightyear uses Ticks to handle synchronization between the client and server. The Tick is basically the fixed-timestep unit of simulation, it gets incremented by 1 every time the FixedUpdate schedule runs. The TickManager has the tick method to return the current client or server tick. (depending on which plugin you are using)
  • the ClientConnectionManager or ServerConnectionManager which are used to send messages to the remote.
  • the ClientConnection or ServerConnection which handle the general io connection. You can use them to get the current ClientId or to check that the connection is still alive.
  • the InputManager lets you send inputs from the client to the server

There are many different sub-plugins but the most important things that lightyear handles for you are probably:

  • the sending and receiving of messages.
  • automatic replication of the World from the server to the client
  • handling the inputs from the user.

Example code organization

In the most basic setup, you will run 2 separate apps: one for the client and one for the server. (You can also run both in the same app in what is called HostServer mode, but we will not cover that in this tutorial.)

The simple_box example has the following structure:

  • this is where we read the settings file from assets/settings.ron and create the client or server app depending on the passed CLI arguments.
  • here we parse the settings.ron file and have helpers to create the ClientConfig and ServerConfig structs which are all that is required to build a ClientPlugin or a ServerPlugin
  • here we define a shared protocol, which is basically the list of messages, components and inputs that can be sent between the client and server.
  • this is where we define shared behaviour between the client and server. For example some simulation logic (physics/movement) should be shared between the client and server.
  • this is where we define client-specific logic (input-handling, client-prediction, etc.)
  • this is where we define server-specific logic (spawning players for newly-connected clients, etc.)

Defining a protocol

First, you will need to define a protocol for your game. (see here in the example) This is where you define the "contract" of what is going to be sent across the network between your client and server.

A protocol is composed of

  • Input: Defines the client's input type, i.e. the different actions that a user can perform (e.g. move, jump, shoot, etc.).
  • Message: Defines the message protocol, i.e. the messages that can be exchanged between the client and server.
  • Components: Defines the component protocol, i.e. the list of components that can be replicated between the client and server.
  • Channels: Defines channels that are used to send messages between the client and server.

A Message is any struct that is Serialize + Deserialize + Clone.


The ComponentRegistry is needed for automatic World replication: automatically replicating entities and components from the server's World to the client's World. Only the components that are defined in the ComponentRegistry will be replicated.

The ComponentRegistry is a Resource that will store metadata about which components should be replicated and how. It can also contain additional metadata for each component, such as prediction or interpolation settings. lightyear provides helper functions on the App to register components to the ComponentRegistry.

Let's define our components protocol:

fn main() {
/// A component that will identify which player the box belongs to
#[derive(Component, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PlayerId(ClientId);

/// A component that will store the position of the box. We could also directly use the `Transform` component.
#[derive(Component, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PlayerPosition(Vec2);

/// A component that will store the color of the box, so that each player can have a different color.
#[derive(Component, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PlayerColor(pub(crate) Color);

pub struct ProtocolPlugin;

impl Plugin for ProtocolPlugin{
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {




Similarly, the MessageProtocol is an enum containing the list of possible Messages that can be sent over the network. When registering a message, you can specify the direction in which the message should be sent.

Let's define our message protocol:

/// We don't really use messages in the example, but here is how you would define them.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Message1(pub usize);

/// Again, you need to use the macro `message_protocol` to define a message protocol.
#[message_protocol(protocol = "MyProtocol")]
pub enum Messages {

impl Plugin for ProtocolPlugin{
  fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
    // Register messages
    // Register components


Lightyear handles inputs (the user actions that should be sent to the server) for you, you just need to define the list of possible inputs (like the message or component protocols).

(it is recommended to use the leafwing feature to handle inputs with leafwing-input-manager, but we will not cover that in this tutorial)

Let's define our inputs:

fn main() {
/// The different directions that the player can move the box
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct Direction {
    pub(crate) up: bool,
    pub(crate) down: bool,
    pub(crate) left: bool,
    pub(crate) right: bool,

/// The `InputProtocol` needs to be an enum of the various inputs that the client can send to the server.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum Inputs {
    /// NOTE: we NEED to provide a None input so that the server can distinguish between lost input packets and 'None' inputs

impl Plugin for ProtocolPlugin{
  fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
    // Register inputs
    // Register messages
    // Register components

Inputs have to implement the UserAction trait, which means that they must be Send + Sync + 'static and can be serialized.


We can also define some channels that will be used to send messages between the client and server. This is optional, since lightyear already provides some default channels for inputs and components.

A Channel defines some properties of how messages will be sent over the network:

  • reliability: can the messages be lost or do we re-send them until we receive an ACK?
  • ordering: do we guarantee that the messages are received in the same order that they were sent?
  • priority: do we want to increase the priority of some messages in case the network is congested?
/// A channel is basically a ZST (Zero Sized Type) with the `Channel` derive macro.
pub struct Channel1;

pub(crate) struct ProtocolPlugin;

impl Plugin for ProtocolPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
        // channels
        app.add_channel::<Channel1>(ChannelSettings {
          mode: ChannelMode::OrderedReliable(ReliableSettings::default()),
        // register messages, inputs, components

We create a channel by simply deriving the Channel trait on an empty struct.


The complete protocol looks like this:

fn main() {
pub(crate) struct ProtocolPlugin;

impl Plugin for ProtocolPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
        // messages
        // inputs
        // components


        // channels
        app.add_channel::<Channel1>(ChannelSettings {
            mode: ChannelMode::OrderedReliable(ReliableSettings::default()),


We now have a complete Protocol that defines:

  • the data that can be sent between the client and server (inputs, messages, components)
  • how the data will be sent (channels)

We can now start building our client and server Plugins.