Adding basic functionality

What we want to achieve is this:

  • when a client connects to the server, the server spawns a player entity for that client
  • that entity gets replicated to all clients
  • a client can send inputs to move the player entity that corresponds to them


Lightyear uses bevy States to manage the connection state. The states indicate the current state of the connection. The client states are Disconnected, Connecting, Connected; and the server states are Started, Stopped.

The connection is started/stopped using the ClientCommands and ServerCommands commands. Server:

fn init(mut commands: Commands) {
app.add_systems(Startup, init);


fn init(mut commands: Commands) {
app.add_systems(Startup, init);

We also do some setup, like adding a Camera2dBundle and displaying some text to let us know if we are the server or the client.

Network events

The way you can access networking-related events is by using bevy Events. lightyear exposes a certain number of events which you can see here:

  • ConnectEvent / DisconnectEvent: when a client gets connected or disconnected. This can be used to access the ClientId of the client that connected/disconnected.
  • EntitySpawnEvent / EntityDespawnEvent: the receiver emits these when it spawns/despawns an entity replicated from the remote world
  • ComponentInsertEvent / ComponentRemoveEvent / ComponentUpdateEvent: the receiver emits these when it inserts/removes/updates a component for an entity replicated from the remote world
  • InputEvent: when a user action gets emitted. This event will be emitted on both the server and the client at the exact Tick where the input was emitted.
  • MessageEvent: when a message is received from the remote machine. This is used to access the message contents.

This is what we'll use to spawn an entity on the server whenever a client connects!

/// We will maintain a mapping from client id to entity id
// so that we know which entity to despawn when the client disconnects
pub(crate) struct Global {
    pub client_id_to_entity_id: HashMap<ClientId, Entity>,

/// Create a player entity whenever a client connects
pub(crate) fn handle_connections(
    /// Here we listen for the `ConnectEvent` event
    mut connections: EventReader<ConnectEvent>,
    mut global: ResMut<Global>,
    mut commands: Commands,
) {
    for connection in {
        /// on the server, the `context()` method returns the `ClientId` of the client that connected
        let client_id = *connection.context();
        /// We add the `Replicate` bundle to start replicating the entity to clients
        /// By default, the entity will be replicated to all clients
        let replicate = Replicate::default(); 
        let entity = commands.spawn((PlayerBundle::new(client_id, Vec2::ZERO), replicate));
        // Add a mapping from client id to entity id

As you can see above, starting replicating an entity is very easy: you just need to add the Replicate bundle to the entity and it will start getting replicated.

(you can learn more in the replicate page)

The Replicate bundle is composed of several components that control the replication logic. For example ReplicationTarget specifies which clients should receive the entity. If you remove the ReplicationTarget component from an entity, any updates to that entity won't be replicated anymore. (However the remote entity won't get despawned, it will just stop getting updated)

Handle client inputs

Then we want to be able to handle inputs from the user. We need a system that reads keypresses/mouse movements and converts them into Inputs (from our Protocol). You will need to call the add_input method on the InputManager resource to send an input to the server.

There are some ordering constraints for inputs: you need to make sure that inputs are handled in the BufferInputs SystemSet, which runs in the FixedPreUpdate schedule. Then lightyear will make sure that the server will handle the input on the same tick as the client.

On the client:

pub(crate) fn buffer_input(
    /// You will need to specify the exact tick at which the input was emitted. You can use 
    /// the `TickManager` to retrieve the current tick
    tick_manager: Res<TickManager>,
    /// You will use the `InputManager` to send an input
    mut input_manager: ResMut<InputManager<Inputs>>,
    keypress: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
) {
    let tick = tick_manager.tick();
    let mut input = Inputs::None;
    let mut direction = Direction {
        up: false,
        down: false,
        left: false,
        right: false,
    if keypress.pressed(KeyCode::KeyW) || keypress.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowUp) {
        direction.up = true;
    if keypress.pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) || keypress.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowDown) {
        direction.down = true;
    if keypress.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) || keypress.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowLeft) {
        direction.left = true;
    if keypress.pressed(KeyCode::KeyD) || keypress.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowRight) {
        direction.right = true;
    if !direction.is_none() {
        input = Inputs::Direction(direction);
    input_manager.add_input(input, tick)
app.add_systems(FixedPreUpdate, buffer_input.in_set(InputSystemSet::BufferInputs));

Then, on the server, you will want to listen to the InputEvent event, in the FixedUpdate schedule, to move the client entity. Any changes to the entity will be replicated to all clients.

We define a function that specifies how a given input updates a given player entity. It is a good idea to define the simulation logic in a function that can be shared between the client and the server, in case we want to run the simulation ahead of time on the client (this is called client-prediction).

pub(crate) fn shared_movement_behaviour(mut position: Mut<PlayerPosition>, input: &Inputs) {
    const MOVE_SPEED: f32 = 10.0;
    match input {
        Inputs::Direction(direction) => {
            if direction.up {
                position.y += MOVE_SPEED;
            if direction.down {
                position.y -= MOVE_SPEED;
            if direction.left {
                position.x -= MOVE_SPEED;
            if direction.right {
                position.x += MOVE_SPEED;
        _ => {}

Then we can create a system that reads the inputs and applies them to the player entity. On the server:

fn movement(
    mut position_query: Query<&mut PlayerPosition>,
    /// Event that will contain the inputs for the correct tick
    mut input_reader: EventReader<InputEvent<Inputs>>,
    /// Retrieve the entity associated with a given client
    global: Res<Global>,
) {
    for input in {
        let client_id = input.context();
        if let Some(input) = input.input() {
            if let Some(player_entity) = global.client_id_to_entity_id.get(client_id) {
                if let Ok(position) = position_query.get_mut(*player_entity) {
                    shared_movement_behaviour(position, input);
app.add_systems(FixedUpdate, movement);

Any fixed-update simulation system (physics, etc.) must run in the FixedUpdate Schedule to behave correctly.

Displaying entities

Finally we can add a system on both client and server to draw a box to show the player entity.

pub(crate) fn draw_boxes(
    mut gizmos: Gizmos,
    players: Query<(&PlayerPosition, &PlayerColor)>,
) {
    for (position, color) in &players {
            Vec3::new(position.x, position.y, 0.0),
            Vec2::ONE * 50.0,

Now, running the server and client in parallel should give you:

  • server spawns a cube when client connects
  • client can send inputs to the server to control the cube
  • the movements of the cube in the server world are replicated to the client (and to other clients) !

In the next section, we will see a couple more systems.