Client replication

It is also possible to use lightyear to replicate entities from the client to the server. There are different possibilities.

Client authoritative

To replicate a client-entity to the server, it is exactly the same as for a server-entity. Just add the Replicate component to the entity and it will be replicated to the server.

fn main() {
fn handle_connection(
    mut connection_event: EventReader<ConnectEvent>,
    mut commands: Commands,
) {
    for event in {
        let local_client_id = event.client_id();
            /* your other components here */
            Replicate {
                replication_target: NetworkTarget::All,
                interpolation_target: NetworkTarget::AllExcept(vec![local_client_id]),

Note that prediction_target and interpolation_target will be unused as the server doesn't do any prediction or interpolation.

If you want to then broadcast that entity to other clients, you will have to add a Replicate component on the server entity. This should generally happen in the ServerReplicationSet::ClientReplication SystemSet on the server, so that it happens right after receiving the client entity.

Be careful to not replicate the entity back to the original client, as it would create a duplicate entity on the client.

Example flow:

title: Client Authoritative
    participant Client1
    participant Server
    participant Client2
    participant Client3
    Client1->>Server: Connect()
    Server->>Client1: Connected
    Client1->>Client1: ConnectEvent
    Client1->>Client1: SpawnPredicted(PlayerID: 1)
    Client1->>Server: Replicate(PlayerID: 1)
    Server-->>Client2: Replicate(PlayerID: 1)
    Client2->>Client2: SpawnConfirmed(PlayerID: 1)
    Server-->>Client3: Replicate(PlayerID: 1)
    Client3->>Client3: SpawnConfirmed(PlayerID: 1)

Pre-spawned predicted entities

Sometimes you might want to spawn a predicted entity on the client, but then replicate it to the server and let the server get control over the entity (server-authoritative).

For example you might have a predicted character that spawns another predicted entity (a projectile that other clients should see, for example).

You could wait for the user input to reach the server, then for the server to spawn the projectile and for the projectile to be replicated back to the client, but that would mean a delay of 1-RTT on the client to see the projectile when they pres a button.

A solution is to spawn the predicted projectile on the client; but then replicate back to the server. When the server replicates back the projectile, it creates a Confirmed entity on the client, but will re-use the existing predicted projectile as the Predicted entity.

The way to do this is to add a PrePredicted component on the client entity that you want to predict. On the server, to replicate back the entity to the client, you will need to manually add a Replicate component to the entity to specify to which clients you want to rebroadcast it. Note that you must add the Replicate component in the ServerReplicationSet::ClientReplication SystemSet for proper handling of pre-spawned predicted entities!

When the server replicates back the entity, the client will check if the entity has a PrePredicted component. If not present, that means this is not a pre-spawned Predicted entity, and the client will spawn both the Confirmed and Predicted entities. If it's present, the client will spawn a new Confirmed entity, but will re-use the entity as the Predicted entity.

Note that pre-spawned predicted entities will give authority to the server's entity immediately, the client to server replication will stop immediately after the initial replication, and the server entity should be the authoritative one.

Example flow:

title: Client PrePredicted
    participant Client1
    participant Server
    participant Client2
    participant Client3
    Client1->>Server: Connect()
    Server->>Client1: Connected
    Client1->>Client1: ConnectEvent
    Client1->>Client1: SpawnPredicted(PlayerID: 1)
    Client1->>Server: Replicate(PlayerID: 1)
    Server-->>Client1: Replicate(PlayerID: 1)
    Client1->>Client1: SpawnConfirmed(PlayerID: 1)
    Server-->>Client2: Replicate(PlayerID: 1)
    Client2->>Client2: SpawnConfirmed(PlayerID: 1)
    Server-->>Client3: Replicate(PlayerID: 1)
    Client3->>Client3: SpawnConfirmed(PlayerID: 1)

Notes to myself:

  • one thing to be careful for is that we want to immediately stop replicating updates from the pre-spawned predicted entity to the server; because that entity should be server-authoritative. Right after the first time the Send SystemSet runs, run clean_prespawned_entities to remove Replicate from those entities.
  • another thing we have to be careful of is this: let's say we receive on the server a pre-predicted entity with ShouldBePredicted(1). Then we rebroadcast it to other clients. If an entity 1 already exists on other clients; we will start using that entity as our Prediction target! That means that we should:
    • even if pre-spawned replication, require users to set the prediction_target correctly
    • only broadcast ShouldBePredicted to the clients who have prediction_target set.
    • be careful that ShouldBePredicted can be added once during spawn, and once from replication. In that case the second one should win out!